Hello guys, if you have an electric guitar and guitar amplifier then you maybe interested to record yourself at decent quality in your home environment. This can be done in various ways - what you'll need is a computer, an audio interface and a microphone.
Even if your home studio is not yet prepared with acoustic adaptation you can always look for "ways out" to record acoustic guitars in acceptable quality.
Here is a try with Audio Technica ATM450 cardioid condenser microphone (199 Eur, new) via TC Electronic Desktop Konnekt Firewire interface (80 Eur, used) Welcome to the gear corner, this is the 1st "adult" guitar I got. Since 2007 in my hands. Extraordinary well crafted, kind of Gibson 335 clone from one of the best guitar factories worldwide. Killer sound for any electric style from jazz to hard rock.
The fattest neck I ever played. The guitar come from US in 2012 and happened to have very ugly painted alder body. With luthier Pawel Kamecki we decided to exchange Kahler double tremolo to one-side Wilkinson bridge, change pots and switch but keep great sounding SD pickups. So Mr Kamecki took it to his workhop and dressed her in a beautiful cognac ash top. "Koniakowa jesionka" is how we call her since. The thick birdseye maple neck with ebony fingerboard remains untouched. Check the pictures documenting the revival story and watch video with some fun grooving with this awesome guitar:) KAMECKI Art ZION Guitars |